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Domestic Violence

As a society, we sometimes believe that domestic violence is not as prevalent today as it was many years ago.  This is simply not true.  We believe that domestic violence is only physical violence and leaves behind visible scars.  In actuality, domestic violence can also be psychological, mental, verbal, sexual or financial.  Stalking, threatening, provoking fear or controlling behaviors are also considered forms of domestic violence.  Often the perpetrators of abuse prefer these “invisible” methods because they are more difficult to prove and do not leave behind visible scars.  Whatever their method, they will use any means necessary to control and manipulate their victims.  It is insidious and knows no boundaries.

In my experience, blame for the abuse often falls upon the victim. Friends and family members may not see visible signs of abuse and don’t believe that it is occurring.  Victims may be in such a fragile state that they act erratically or are overly emotional.  For those who aren’t aware of the signs of abuse or who don’t understand the toll it can take, they may think the abuse is all in the victim’s head.  Friends distance themselves, family members disappear and suddenly the victim is more isolated and alone than ever before.  They begin to question their own sense of self and ask themselves daily, “Am I imagining this?”

There is action you can take to protect yourself if you are a victim of domestic violence.  It takes courage to stand up to your abuser. A lot of courage. In my experience with my clients, the toll that abuse takes is long lasting.  Depending on the number of years that the victim has suffered abuse and the type and severity of the trauma they experienced, healing typically requires therapeutic intervention.  An attorney that understands how to assist victims in conquering their fears and finding the courage to stand up to their abusers through the justice system is an essential ally.

If you feel you or your children are in immediate danger from an abuser, call Tiffany Fina Law.  I have litigated over 1,000 domestic violence cases in my 15 years as a family law attorney in Scottsdale AZ.  You have options and I will fight to protect your rights and the rights of your children.  Nobody should have to endure abuse. There are actions you can take to legally protect yourself.

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